Welcome to RTS Hunting!
We have been in the big-game hunting business for many years, including working together outfitting as Nine Mile Guest Ranch since 1999. In 2014, we took on a new, exciting venture in Ranching for Wildlife. The opportunity to expand into this program came at an ideal time for us when the ranch, owned by Visintainer Sheep Company, became available.
Hunting is not just a hobby or a job - or even just a business - for us. It is a passion. We are committed to making it the best it can be and we devote ourselves to the many aspects of it on a full-time basis. We pride ourselves on having a lot of wonderful repeat business, on retaining a great staff, and on helping to maintain the lease properties to be the best they can be for all their uses.
Our hope is that each person who hunts with us has a successful hunt. Beyond that, we want each person to have a positive experience, maybe learn something about wildlife, and possibly even make a friend or two in the hunting industry.
Colorado Outfitter’s License #3198
Travis Flaharty, Managing Partner / Co-Owner
Rocky & Sparky Pappas, Co-owners (& operators of Nine Mile Guest Ranch)